Today marks a wonderful day! Its the first veggie pickup of the year from our new CSA: Limestone Farms.
What's a CSA you ask? While I can tell you that its an acronym for Community Supported Agriculture, that doesn't tell you a whole lot! In reality, a CSA is a neat way to support local farms - while ensuring you get a fresh helping of veggies each week. For a fixed price, you purchase a "share" in the farm - basically a delivery of a big box of in-season, freshly grown, and, usually, organic veggies. I'll be picking up our families delivery each week right at the farm - although there are a variety of pickup places and times to suit all sorts of schedules.
I've been a HUGE fan of CSA's for many, many years - ok, dating myself here! BUT, since our move to South Carolina its been the one thing I haven't been able to find. Nearly all the other farms I had found were too far away - I just couldn't commit to driving an hour + each way, each week... so its been store bought veggies for us, with an occasional supplement from Grandpa's garden. Of course I'm happy that this summer, those grocery trips will be only fruit and an occasional item to supplement our box!
And, if there is one thing I really hate at the grocery store - its wandering through the veggie aisle picking out staples like lettuce, potatoes and onions. I'm never happy filling up all those plastic bags! I tend to drift towards the less well-known items - I can't tell you how many times I've been asked at checkout: "Exactly, what is in this bag??". And well, the kids tend to reply with, "Yeah, we know.. she makes us eat that. Instead of candy. Sigh".
That's all changed now - A few weeks ago, we stumbled across Limestone Farms at the Greenville Farmer's Market and the rest is history! We're now looking forward to a summer filled with Basil, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Kohlrabi... and tons more other veggies for variety. With some things, I'll be challenged to think about how to cook veggies like Collards (Yankee roots showing through!) or Blue Potatoes. And other items I'll just have to share - I've just never met an Eggplant that I've liked! But, that's ok, we'll enjoy, experiment and share our bounty!
Stay tuned - each week I'll be posting about the bounty that's filled our farm box! And if you'd like, check out Limestone Farms on their Facebook page - maybe you'll be tempted to join a CSA near you!
What's a CSA you ask? While I can tell you that its an acronym for Community Supported Agriculture, that doesn't tell you a whole lot! In reality, a CSA is a neat way to support local farms - while ensuring you get a fresh helping of veggies each week. For a fixed price, you purchase a "share" in the farm - basically a delivery of a big box of in-season, freshly grown, and, usually, organic veggies. I'll be picking up our families delivery each week right at the farm - although there are a variety of pickup places and times to suit all sorts of schedules.
I've been a HUGE fan of CSA's for many, many years - ok, dating myself here! BUT, since our move to South Carolina its been the one thing I haven't been able to find. Nearly all the other farms I had found were too far away - I just couldn't commit to driving an hour + each way, each week... so its been store bought veggies for us, with an occasional supplement from Grandpa's garden. Of course I'm happy that this summer, those grocery trips will be only fruit and an occasional item to supplement our box!
And, if there is one thing I really hate at the grocery store - its wandering through the veggie aisle picking out staples like lettuce, potatoes and onions. I'm never happy filling up all those plastic bags! I tend to drift towards the less well-known items - I can't tell you how many times I've been asked at checkout: "Exactly, what is in this bag??". And well, the kids tend to reply with, "Yeah, we know.. she makes us eat that. Instead of candy. Sigh".
That's all changed now - A few weeks ago, we stumbled across Limestone Farms at the Greenville Farmer's Market and the rest is history! We're now looking forward to a summer filled with Basil, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Pumpkins, Kohlrabi... and tons more other veggies for variety. With some things, I'll be challenged to think about how to cook veggies like Collards (Yankee roots showing through!) or Blue Potatoes. And other items I'll just have to share - I've just never met an Eggplant that I've liked! But, that's ok, we'll enjoy, experiment and share our bounty!
Stay tuned - each week I'll be posting about the bounty that's filled our farm box! And if you'd like, check out Limestone Farms on their Facebook page - maybe you'll be tempted to join a CSA near you!
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